The Light in the Darkness

Scripture readings this week came from the books of Genesis, John 1, and Matthew.

Elder Doreen Corwith Eckert connected passages to explain the gifts of breath, human connection and the Word of God.

During this time in our lives when we are unable to be with loved ones, we turn to the Bible for reassurance. When we fear that breath can give us illness, the Bible tells us that the Holy Spirit is the breath of life. Take time to breathe and feel your body fill with God's love.

We need to touch others as a way of feeling connected. We use our hands for comfort. Jesus used his hands to heal. Without the touch of others, we feel alone and lose our sense of well being. Try cupping your hands to your face as if Jesus was holding you. He is always there.

Today we remember that God gave us his Son and sent the Holy Spirit. The Bible tells us in John 1: "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God." These are three gifts given to all God's people.

Elder Doreen asked that we look for the light that shines in the darkness and the manifestation of Jesus in our hearts.