Worship services at First Presbyterian Church proclaim God’s love through scripture, prayer, music and inspirational word.
We worship together on Sunday mornings at 10:00 a.m.
Phone Ministry: 631-481-8082
Service of Light in our historic sanctuary.
All are welcome
We are vibrant and inclusive worshiping community and we live out our mission of sharing Christ's love through service near and far.
Arel Quartet visiting from Luxembourg.
The music program at First Presbyterian Church is led by our Music Director, Amanda Jones and our Bell Choir Director, Midge Fowler.
Our chancel choir, our ecumenical bell choir and an array of professional musicians all bring their talents and enthusiasm to our music program.
First Presbyterian Church also enjoys an incredible array of world renowned artists who grace our chancel and lead us in glorifying God through music. On any given Sunday you may hear our chancel choir, hand bell anthems, special performances from First Church's other gifted musicians or groups traveling through the greater New York area. It’s an exciting place to be on Sunday mornings.
Learn more about our extensive music program on our Music Page.
Children’s Sermon
Children are a vital part of our church and are always welcome in worship services. Throughout the school year, children ages 4 through Grade 4 are invited to attend Sunday School with our Christian Education Director, Terry Stubelek. Children are escorted to their classrooms by loving teachers following the children's sermon.
Infant and Children’s Nursery
A beautiful and welcoming nursery room is available for children during our worship service. Ask any usher for directions to the nursery.
In the Presbyterian Church (USA), baptism is a sign and seal of the covenant of grace made by God through Jesus and extended to us. In baptism, God claims us as beloved children and members of Christ’s body, the church, washing us clean from sin as we renounce the power of evil and seek the will and way of God. Baptism is a commitment of the entire church to the baptized member to nurture them in the faith. That is why baptisms are always performed within a worship service of the entire congregation.
Members may choose to have their children baptized in the church by speaking with the Pastor. Adults wishing to join the church who have never been baptized may also speak with our Pastor. Being baptized as an adult is always a welcome choice.
Communion is generally served on the first Sunday of the month. Ours is an open table.
In the Presbyterian Church (USA), there is room at the table for a rich feast of sacramental meaning. The Presbyterian understanding of the Lord’s Supper is one of thanksgiving and remembrance for the self-offering of Jesus Christ once and for all time on a cross in Jerusalem. Some other themes that may be included are: thanksgiving to God for the gifts and goodness of creation, prayer for the fruitful reception of the sacrament through the Holy Spirit, the communion of the faithful in the presence of Christ and the anticipation or foretaste of the heavenly banquet in the kingdom of God.