New Beginnings

Mark 1: 4-11

“Just as Jesus was coming up out of the water, he saw heaven being torn open and the Spirit descending on him like a dove. And a voice came from heaven: “You are my Son, whom I love; with you I am well pleased.”

Deacon Mollie Duggal delivered an inspiring sermon today, titled, “New Beginnings.”

From the moment Jesus stepped out of the water, having been baptized by John, he began a new life. Jesus began his ministry on the day of his baptism.

Like Jesus, we are beginning a new way of living. Many of us have had to change how we work, how we interact with family, how our children attend school. We have learned that we can no longer live in the same way that was previously expected.

God sent the Holy Spirit on the day of Jesus’ baptism. In that moment, Jesus was revealed as a human, but also God’s Beloved Son and Savior. It was a new beginning for Jesus and even today, we are reminded that God sent his infinite love to us in his Beloved Son.

Presbyterians describe baptism as a sign and seal of the covenant of grace made by God through Jesus and extended to us. In baptism, Babies and adults are baptized as a way of showing our love for God and his Son. Our baptism is a ‘new beginning” in our faith journey as Christians.

Deacon Mollie said, “One thing we can agree on is that change is in the waters. We need to take time to be still and listen to God.”

This has been a difficult time and more change is yet to come. “Share the love of Christ with others and remember that the Holy Spirit is guiding us.”

Jesus taught us to not fear “new beginnings,” but to go forward with all of the faith and love that we have in our heart.

God will always be walking beside us.

When we pass through the waters of baptism it's a lifelong process. Dedicating our lives to Christ will help us as we begin a new year filled with “new beginnings.”
