Simeon and Anna

Luke 2:22-40

In keeping with the Law of Moses, Mary and Joseph, took their newborn son, Jesus, to the temple in Jerusalem to be presented to the Lord.

At the entrance of the temple was an elderly man named Simeon. He approached the new parents and taking the baby in his arms, as the Holy Spirit rested on him, he knew that the promise to meet the Messiah before dying was finally fulfilled.

Simeon had waited patiently many years to see the Messiah but there were times that Simeon grew weary of waiting. No matter how long he waited, he always believed that his long awaited hope to meet the savior of his people would be fulfilled.

At the same time, a woman, named Anna, never left the temple. According to Luke, she was 84 years old, and unlike Simeon, she was not prepared to die. We are told that she was a prophetess and that she spent night and day at the temple fasting and praying.

When Anna saw Simeon with Jesus, she recognized the baby as the Messiah. She immediately gave thanks to God for his Son and spread the good news that the one who would redeem the world had arrived.

Christmas is a time when we celebrate the birth of a long awaited King. A baby born humbly in a manger was not the expected messiah that had been prophesied in the Old Testament. Jesus came to us to welcome outsiders, people who had suffered in captivity. Why would anyone recognized him to the Son of God? Why would God choose Mary and Joseph to raise his son?

Shepherds in the field, wisemen from afar, Simeon and Anna, knew that God's promise had been fulfilled and they thanked the Lord for sending his Son.

Jesus was not the expected King, but God's love goes beyond our imagination. We can learn from the story of Simeon and Anna that Christmas is a new beginning. It is a time to give up our expectations for the world as we think is should be and see God's love for all of his people.
