The Monster at the End of the Book

The Book of Mark tells us that from the wilderness, the prophesy of Isaiah was fulfilled, proclaiming the beginning of the Good News of the coming of God’s Son.

“I will send my messenger ahead of you,
who will prepare your way”-
“a voice of one calling in the wilderness,
‘Prepare the way for the Lord,
make straight paths for him.’”

Our passage today was the beginning of Jesus ministry following his baptism and 40 days of temptation in the wilderness.

“Jesus went into Galilee, proclaiming the good news of God. “The time has come,” he said. “The kingdom of God has come near. Repent and believe the good news!”

Following his announcement of the “Good News,” Jesus called his first disciples and began healing, teaching, comforting, challenging and preparing his disciples to follow in his footsteps. The amazing events that are recorded in Mark were a time of hope, excitement, fear and disbelief. Mark allows us to decide what we choose to believe.

When she was a child, one of Pastor Sarah’s favorite books was “The Monster at the End of the Book.” A Sesame Street character, named Grover tells the reader that there will be “a monster at the end of the book,” and begs not to turn the page, in fear of the monster that will be revealed at the end. He tries everything to stop the page from turning, nailing and tying down pages, but alas, the last page is turned and the monster revealed. It was Grover himself.

This story is a delightful way for children to learn about facing their fears.

In the beginning of Jesus ministry he asked us to “repent and believe.” “Repent” is a word that we understand to describe our shortcomings or failure. The original writing in Mark used the word, “metanoia,” later translated in English to “repent.” “Metanoia” means, “to think differently or change perspective.” A change in words, has changed how we think about Jesus message.

He was a man of peace and love. He was asking us to change our thinking and to look at things differently. Jesus came to change the world and give us comfort in knowing that God;s love is here among us.

Facing our fears, no matter how old we are, can be difficult. We can learn from Grover and from Jesus that everything will be O.K. in the end. God sent the Good News with his Son and we need to believe that we are safely held in his hands.
