Parable of the Tenants Matthew 21: 33-46

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During Jesus time, landowners would lease their land to tenants and go back to their own country, returning only to collect their portion of the harvest as payment for the use of the land. Jesus tells, "Parable of the Tenants," the second time the Pharisees question his authority at the temple.

There was a landowner who sent his servants to collect his portion of the harvest. When they arrived the servants were killed. The landowner sent a second group of servants, they too were killed. The landowner sent his son to collect the debt, but he too was killed by the tenants.

Jesus asks, "What should happen to the tenants when the landowner arrives?" Not understanding the true meaning of the story, the Pharisees respond, "They should meet a wretched end and the landowner should rent to other tenants who will give him his share of the crop."

Jesus asks..."Have you never read the Scriptures?" "The stone the builders rejected, has become the cornerstone; the Lord has done this, and it is marvelous in our eyes."

This parable is not easily interpreted by the Pharisees. They are too proud and sure of their authority to see that they are the tenants. God, the landowner, has sent his son as the "cornerstone" of faith. A "cornerstone" In biblical times, was used as the foundation and standard upon which a building was constructed. Once in place, the rest of the building would conform to the angles and size of the cornerstone. In addition, if removed, the entire structure could collapse.

Jesus was sent by his father to ensure our salvation. He was the cornerstone of our faith and the foundation for Christianity. He taught us to be compassionate, to be kind, to be humble and to love God.

The Pharisees strictly followed the laws in the Torah. They became enforcers of the laws they imposed and believed that they were the most righteous followers of God. They believed that people who did not adhere to the laws, were unclean and were not to come into contact with them. Their power and greed led many of them to become hypocrites, pretending to follow God.

Jesus loved everyone. He never ignored a person who needed his help. He taught us to open our hearts to those who are in need of help and to people in pain, or who might be needing something to eat. Today is World Communion Sunday, it is a good time to reflect on our church vision and mission statements. Pastor Sarah asks that "our actions, words and thoughts are building a world wide community worthy of this Cornerstone."

Our Vision
Our Vision at First Presbyterian Church is to be a Cornerstone of Faith in Jesus and a Family of Love and Service, Reaching out to our Community and the World.

Our Mission
Our mission at historic First Presbyterian Church of Southampton is to be a welcoming beacon of light that inspires people of all ages to seek a personal relationship with God through Jesus Christ. As disciples of Jesus, we will serve others through mission, guide and nurture our youth, and be a loving haven of comfort and support for our community.

"Let's rollup our sleeves and work toward building a better community."
God is with us.