
Joanna outside.jpg

     Our scripture today came from the book of Exodus 16.  This is the story of the Israelites who followed Moses into the wilderness as they escaped slavery in Egypt.   The Bible tells us that after they had been in the desert for 2 months and 15 days, they began to grumble to Moses and Aaron.  Uncertain of where they were going and afraid that they might die without food, they expressed their anger and blame, saying, "if only we had died by the Lord's hands in Egypt." 

     The Israelites were so afraid and vulnerable that they never expected that God would send "manna" for them to eat.  Manna is similar to a wafer mixed with honey.  It can not be stored or traded.  It was a gift from God that would be just enough food for the day. 

     This passage is a reminder to us that God provides sustenance when we need it.  Our complaining about the circumstances that have come from COVID has thrown us into chaos and we wonder,  "Why me?"  We join the Israelites in our complaining and longing for the past.

     Pastor Sarah asks that we become "manna" for someone this week.  Perhaps we can send someone a card or give them a phone call.  Anything that we do to lift someone up, even for one day, is a reminder that God gives us what we need.  Let us turn our complaining to God and remember that God loves us and will heal our suffering.