"....love your neighbor as yourself. I am The Lord." Leviticus 19:1-2, 15-18


Today, Pastor Sarah told us that the goal of the book of Leviticus was to provide a manual for the Israelites on how to live together and how to live with God.

In verses 1-2, God spoke to Moses and told him to deliver a message to the congregation of the children of Israel. He said, “It is required that the Israelites be a holy people, devoted to God. You shall be holy, for I am holy.”

In verses 15-18, God said, “You shall judge your neighbor in righteousness.” Jesus repeats these commandments when he tells us to “Love God with all your heart and love your neighbor as you love yourself.”

Leviticus, a book of laws, gave the Israelites codes to follow and abide by. They were given to help people remember to love God with all their hearts and minds. As years passed, laws were not understood and inappropriately applied by religious leaders. When Jesus came to earth, he never spoke against the laws, but taught a new way to understand what was written.

Pastor Sarah urged us to open our hearts to helping those less fortunate. There are people living without a warm home or a family to love them. Our church provides shelter to the homeless a few times each month starting in November. Under the direction of Katelyn Corwith, in collaboration with Maureen’s Haven, we serve meals, offer warm sleeping facilities and show the love for our neighbors. Helping is a way of saying, “Yes to God.” Amen