Jeremiah 31:31-34

Today is the first Sunday of Spring. The sun is shining. Daffodils and crocuses are beginning to show color in our gardens and we have marked our calendars with upcoming events, beginning with our Palm Sunday Parade. How exciting it will be to watch palms waving from windows as cars wind their way to the church. Easter Sunrise Service held at Cooper’s Beach will be led by Pastor Sarah and joined by neighboring churches. Church will be opening, fourth graders will take their First Communion, Youth are planning a special Sunday Service, an egg hunt is planned for the children, and renovation of the dining room has brightened our gathering space.

It might have seemed like the pandemic would stop our church from moving forward, but God has been with us every day guiding our flock in many directions. We have learned how to reach out to one another and continue to spread the love we have for loved ones near and far. Maureen’s Haven, Meals on Wings, Mission Council, virtual choirs, Bible Studies, youth group, Care Circles, are just a few of the things that FPC has continued during the darkest of days.

Pastor John Klopfer shared the message from God to the Hebrews in the Book of Jeremiah, “I will put my law within them and write it on their hearts. I will be their God, and they will be my people.“

God wanted us to know that he need not lead us by the hand and write his law on a tablet if we keep the love of Jesus Christ in our heart.

It seems that FPC is an example of how God works through the hearts and hands of the many loving people committed to spreading the love of Jesus. We are truly blessed to have each of you in our family of believers.

Peace be with you…

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