
     Sunday without the Bigwood family seemed scary for the four of us who were taking on the worship service without Pastor Sarah's leadership and technical knowledge.  None of us had a good night's sleep in anticipation of a Sunday without our pastor.

By the time Reverend Gregory Bentley began his sermon on Exodus 14: 10-18, we had begun to relax and enjoy the beautiful morning, gathered under the tents to listen to an especially moving message, "Go Forward."

    Reverend Bentley told us that fear is a major barrier to becoming "all that God would have us be."  He asked what has to happen for us to move forward.  He told us that we need "inspiration" and to stand up and never leave the Lord in the midst of difficult times.  We need to remember that we are not alone.  God asks us to lift up what is in our hands and use what we are already blessed with.  "Use what is in your hands and lift up what is in your hands.  If we use what we have got, we might get more than we already have."

     To get beyond fear, we have to move outside our comfort zone, we need "elongation," we need to stretch!  In order to go where God wants us to go, "we have to be comfortable with what is uncomfortable."  If we are to live in this new way of life, we have to stretch out and allow God to take us where only God can take us.  When we become comfortable with being uncomfortable we can "Keep on moving."  God will find a way for us to make our way. 

     Pastor Sarah was with us today (online) as we worshiped with Reverend Bentley and listened to his encouraging message.  The beauty of technology is that we can be together, even when we are miles apart.  All fear of running online service disappeared once we came together and became comfortable with the uncomfortable. God led the way and we followed.

       We send prayers for the Bigwood family to have a wonderful vacation and that they relax and enjoy their family.  We truly miss them and ask God to watch over them. 

  Peace & love,

     Terry, Kristin, Shelley & Kim

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