Father's Day

We are a generous and loving congregation, looking for ways to bring a smile to the face of someone who is struggling to provide for their family in ways that we can not imagine.

This Father’s Day, we packed 35 bags of shaving cream, razors, shampoo, Hershey’s Kisses, socks and T-shirts to be given to men in our community whose families could not afford to purchase even a small gift for this special day.

Through the efforts of Marit Molin and her organization, Hamptons Community Outreach, we learned of families in devastating living conditions right here in our town. Mrs. Molin is working to help provide food and other necessities to families who are struggling to survive. We can not imagine the poverty that exists in our beautiful town because these dwellings are hidden from view of traffic and passerby’s.

With the help of Aaron Halsey, we located the homes, dropped off gifts and felt the warm smiles and waves of neighbors that we might have never met if we had not collected the precious gifts donated by our congregation.

We may never know whose life we have touched with a small gesture of kindness, but we can feel it in our heart. Happy Father’s Day!