A New Beginning

The Holy Spirit descended on the apostles fifty days after Easter. A strong wind rushed into the room where they were gathering and tongues of fire came upon their heads. People began speaking in foreign languages as the Holy Spirit filled them and empowered them to go into the world and spread the word of Jesus.

This day is marked on our calendar as the birthday of the church. We wear red to symbolize the flames that came down and we place pinwheels in our gardens. It is a day of celebration for us here at FPC. This year our congregation thinks about Pentecost as a new beginning.

Many things have changed over the past year and we are looking forward to starting the summer with a Sanctuary filled with a joyful congregation. Our gatherings on the lawn linger far beyond worship service as we catch up on things we have missed during the long months of seclusion.

This Sunday, we celebrated Kathie Mades and her service to our church. We are blessed to have had her among us for almost 4 decades and wish her well as she begins her new journey in life. We are looking forward to seeing what Kathie will share with the world and pray that she loves everything God has in store for her in the future.