Coming Together


Thursday, July 8th, marked our second “Night Out” with the kids. We were pleased that 14 children came to join us in our fun filled activities while parents were treated to an evening to relax.

Psalm 118, “This is the day the Lord has made. Let’s rejoice and be glad,” was the lesson for this week. To teach this message to little children, our theme was “Birthday Party.” We played games, ate a great dinner of Mac & cheese with pigs in a blanket, followed by cake and cupcake decorating. It was an especially fun night, though very messy. Everyone couldn’t wait to take home their creations at the end of the evening.

Our activities were designed to teach the children that their birthday is a day that we look forward to and celebrate as a special day once a year. Our Bible message was planned to teach children that God created us with great love and that every day should be a day to rejoice and celebrate.