Pure of heart


The sermon this week focused on David and the life he led as a king of the Israelites.  Chosen as a young boy to become the next king, he spent his youth playing his harp and singing to King Saul.  David was an innocent child, when he began his journey as the next leader of Israel.

     Our children, just like David, are growing and learning from the elders in their lives.  How they grow and what they believe, depends on what we teach them and how we live.  

     Pastor Sarah’s story today reminds us of the mistakes made by King David when he followed his own greed and selfish needs.  David lost his innocence along the way and allowed his position as king to control the lives of others.  

     King David’s story began with hope and the possibility for a future built on love and kindness.  He was chosen by God, not to use his power as a weapon, but to lead with strength and humility.  Somewhere along the way, King David began to love power more than he loved his people. 

     How we lead is a choice we make.  Are we teaching our innocent children in ways that would please God?  Our smallest children are watching and learning how to become the next leaders of our church.  Let us help them grow to understand that they have been chosen to follow as disciples of Jesus, loving others, giving help wherever needed, and becoming part of a church family that works together in decision making.  

    Let walk humbly through this life, following in the footsteps of Jesus.

We are members of the oldest Presbyterian church in America and we are planning to prepare our children for the future as strong and loving leaders.

We will not fail if we work together and listen to the messages sent by God.