A Happy Place

What could be better than a beautiful spring day for opening the church to our faithful family of friends and members? The Ecumenical Bell Choir filled the Sanctuary with music, the pulpit was decorated with red geraniums from Halsey Farm, Sunday school began with six children, a picnic on the lawn was enjoyed by everyone, thanks to Golden Pear. A special highlight was the tour of the newly renovated dining room, renovated by Brad Kline’s team, Domingo and Adan.

And let’s not forget the cupcakes, served by Katy and Robbie. A delicious way to end our picnic and time together on this very special Sunday in May.

Join us next week for Pentacost Sunday and Kathie’s party. There is so much to look forward to at First Church, and you really don’t want to miss anything. You are the heart of the church and we are grateful to each and every one of you for sharing a cupcake and prayers for our future together.